I’m a poet, writer, teacher, artist, star gazer, inventor of Heart Maps® and passionate about words.
New Book!
Awakening the Heart: Teaching Poetry K-8. The second edition of Georgia’s handbook for teachers, exploring how to cultivate the poet in every elementary and middle school student.
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Welcome to the Wonder House
Welcome to the Wonder House — winner of the 2024 Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award and named a Best Poetry Book of 2023 by School Library Journal — offers a place to explore the cornerstone of every great thinker: a sense of wonder. This house has many rooms to inspire writing, drawing and curiosity in young readers.
Heart Maps
A Heart Map is an engaging and creative activity that helps you connect with the things inside your heart. Used by teachers, writers, and thinkers worldwide, Heart Maps can help craft authentic writing, generate self-awareness, and celebrate the unique and wonderful things that make you who you are.
NCTE Award Winner
What an honor to be selected as the 2023 recipient of the Excellence in Poetry for Children Award from the National Council of Teachers of English.
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