Free Graphic Organizer from Awakening the Heart
Here’s a free poetry prompt from Awakening the Heart, a bestselling resource for teaching poetry, now fully updated with new lessons, exercises, and writing prompts that engage today’s kids.
Heart Collector
Since I began Heart Mapping over twenty years ago, I've also become a collector of hearts. And in this spirit, I've curated a collection of my favorite heart-themed items—little reminders that inspire me to feel deeply and cherish the beauty in every moment.
A Menu of Possibilities for the New Year
A Menu of Possibilities for us to reset our hearts and minds together. Here's a snapshot of experiences and tools I’m offering this year, crafted with love.
Winter Poetry Books
Here are some of my favorite winter-themed poetry books. These books include different perspectives related to the winter season, offering ideas and imagery to inspire students’ poetic expressions.
Writing Collaborative Poems
Embrace the spirit of connection by engaging in a collaborative poetry project, weaving a cloth of love that connects students with their stories and nurtures a tightly-knit classroom community.
A New Thanksgiving Tradition
Start a beautiful new Thanksgiving tradition with these simple and heartfelt activities: a poem before your meal and a Heart Map after.
Favorite Fall Poetry Books
Is there anything more enjoyable than snuggling up with a poetry book and a cozy cup of hot chocolate on a chilly autumn day? Here are the top poetry books I recommend for fall and several oldies but goodies that celebrate the spooky season.
Top Heart Books: Poetry About Feelings
These poetry books can help nurture emotionally intelligent kids and build self-awareness
Top Ten Poetry Books About School
Here is a selection of my Top Ten Poetry Books About School and some poetry prompts to accompany them.
Summer Poetry Books and Activities
To celebrate summer, I’ve curated some of my Top Summer Poetry Book Picks and paired each one with an inspiring activity that complements the themes and poems within.
Seeded Heart Poems of Hope
An activity with heart shaped paper, seeded with wildflowers, for writing poems of hope
Heart Beats: November News
News from November, a poem from Nikki Grimes, and some tools you might enjoy